时间:2018-03-08 编辑整理:钱编辑 来源:早发表网
1. 不管写什么文章,尽量收集全该领域的文献是非常有必要的。我先是通过SCI-finder,Google,Elsevier, Springer, Wiley等手段将所有的文献收集列表,然后通过各种渠道找到原文。
2. 找原作者索求原文也是很有效的。我很多参考文献都是通过向原作者发索求信得到的。
Dear Prof. ××
Hello. I am a graduate student of ×× University. I find that you and your research group have done a lot of researches on the topic of "××". This field sound very interesting and your papers would make a really positive contribution to my work. However, many of your works are unavailable for me. Therefore, would you please consider sending me some of the full text of your articles? I would very appreciate for your kindness. Thank you very much.
3. 文章写完后,最好能找一个Native English Speaker来检查一下语法了。可以问问因为索求文献认识的专家(同领域的),给他发来邮件看能不能帮忙修改一下文章。虽说伸手党的意识不可培养,但是这种跨国的学术交流,一般情况下也不会被拒绝。
Dear Prof. ××
Hello. It is known that you have done a lot of researches on ××. Our laboratory have gone in for ×× for more than 10 years and have got some significant results. We prepare a paper on ××and hope to get your help of comment on the paper. And the glory is ours if you don't mind being the co-author of this work. We realy appreciate it, thank you very much.
4. 在写英文文章时,外国人的姓名表述一定要准确,他们非常讨厌别人把他们的名字写错了(包括姓和名颠倒)。
5. 在引用到别人的图表时,一定要经过许可,很多人不知道通过哪种方式。一般杂志社是没有权利授权你使用的,只有出版社有权利,可以通过以下网站进行申请。http://www.copyright.com/
6. 许多杂志社的综述一般都是约稿的,不过你如果觉得在某个领域还没有类似的综述,你可以向编辑部写信说明你想写一篇关于这方面的综述,一般如果确实没有的,编辑都会答应先投过来看一看。
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